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Monday, September 19, 2011

All confusions sorted... Message fromCentral Committee

Source : http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_939_2011.asp

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Allow us please to share an update on the part of the Central Committee. We have put flexible arrangements for our internal coordination, had two conference calls and shall try to meet physically before the end of the year if possible.

Communication We intend to work on a communication concept that we will share in a draft form with national coordinators when it is ready.

Protocol Likewise we shall prepare and share the draft of a Protocol for the CC, gradually including a charter, rules of procedures and code of conduct.

Facebook site on spreading sahaja yoga. The group name is : Spreading Sahaja Yoga International.

When you do a search on facebook for Spreading Sahaja Yoga International, it should now come up clearly. You can also click on the following URL to go to it:


This group is created by the Thailand Sahaja Yoga collective in coordination with the Central Committee. It is an open group which means that by doing a search on face book, you should be able to find it and read the different post even if you are not members. There are so many wonderful and inspiring stories out there. The aim of this group is to enable all yogis around the world to share their experiences about spreading Sahaja Yoga. We wish it to be a platform to exchange beautiful stories about giving realizations, announce programs, exchange documents, posters. Please invite all your Sahaja Yogis friends to join as well.

Email Address for the CC We have installed an address where the CC can be accessed through: centcom@sahajayoga.org. You may write to us to this address. Depending on the volume of emails we receive it may be not be possible for us to respond to all emails.

International Schedule of pujas for 2012 Together with the Foundation, we are facilitating the adoption of a 2012 International Puja Calendar for next year. It is expected that most pujas will take place in Cabella while the invitations to host international events by India, the Americas and the UK are accepted with gratitude.

International Marriage Committee We express our gratitude to Mr Nalgirkar and the Committee for bringing together the successful ceremony at Ganesha Puja. We support strengthening the International Marriage Committee because an open and loving process shall bring its credibility to the level where all the yuvas shall fully trust. Ideally members of the Committee should be respected yogini or yogi with solid sahaj, experience, recognized maturity and sensitivity to vibrations. There should be some "reserve" members on the Committee beyond those physically able to attend at a point in time: all cannot travel. National Coordinators are kindly invited to contact the Italian coordinator if they identify a member of their collectivity in a capacity to help.

International Coordination . Countries who wish to launch international events are invited to liaise with the Foundation and this Committee as, by definition, an international event requires some level of coordination. Likewise, yogis/nis who launch a “realize tour” in a specific country are expected to inform all those concerned in this country so as to facilitate further friendship and good relations.

Membership of the Central Committee A member of the Committee, our brother Rajesh, asked us to release him from his membership in the light of the heavy burden of activities and new commitments he faces. The CC shall propose in due time a simple process with a view to select two members by Guru Puja 2012. This will bring membership to 10 members, the number indicated by Shri Mataji in 2008.

In Her instructions that have been recorded, Shri Mataji indicates that members of the CC would come from four or five countries. In other words the CC cannot be a UN type representative process of all parts of the world but, of course, we welcome a broad coverage.

Events in IndiaTwo events are brought to our attention by queries addressed to us: a) the two international seminars that have been announced in two different places for Christmas (Ganapatipule and Nargol); b) the proposal from sir CP to relocate the body of Shri Mataji from Nirmal Dham to Dharamsala..

Shri Mataji in Her speech of Guru Puja 2008 ordered a Central Committee for the world and another for India. So the Central Committee will keep its maryadas and we recognize, for instance, that the contents of Sir C.P.'s letter relate to issues taking place within India. At the same time evidence shows that the concern about removing the body of Shri Mataji is affecting Her children worldwide. This has truly global dimension. It is the Central Committee's view that it would have a mandate to share its views on the basis of its collective wisdom, discretion and vibrations. It must also respond to the views expressed by Sahaja Yogis the world over.

  1. Regarding the seminars in Ganapatipule and Nargol, we would hope that the celebration of the birth of Christ could take place in the manner Shri Mataji would have wished. It is very simple: love between yogis is what keeps the house of Sahaj together. The Ganapatiphule event is organized by the Life Eternal Trust that was founded by Shri Mataji long time ago. Celebrating Christmas at the seat of the Swayambu of Shri Ganesh is in line with what our Holy Mother had done for many years. Nargol is a unique location for celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara . As it is, the two invitations are legitimate and should be considered with benevolence. Sahaja Yogis are of course left free to choose as to which event they wish to visit. One would wish that improved coordination in the future would make the choice easier.
  2. Regarding the relocation of the body of Shri Mataji from Nirmal Dham to Dharamsala

Like many Sahaja Yogis today, the Central Committee is aware of the contents of Sir C.P.'s letter that was sent around the world after the letter of the Delhi collective sent to him indicating they would wish to look after the resting place of Shri Mataji. Sir’s letter expressed the wish to remove Shri Mataji from Nirmal Dham on the basis of a dream of a Sahaja Yogi/ni and the cool vibrations felt by certain yogis in relation to this dream. Numerous Sahaja Yogis the world over have indeed approached us who have expressed puzzlement in this respect.

Unearthing the body of Our Holy Mother, Guru and Deity on the basis of someone’s dream is highly unusual. Shri Mataji has given to Her spiritual children the ways and means (vibrations, wisdom, hamsa, common sense) to relate to the guidance of the Divine and we recommend to abide by these instruments. We invite our brothers and sisters responsible for this matter in Delhi to follow Her guidance. If they cannot clearly validate such a crucial decision on the basis of their spiritual perception, they should not at this time disturb the peace of the sacred body of Shri Mataji. Rather measures should be taken to immediately improve conditions at the site.

As a conclusion and in the spirit of our previous messages, we know we are not "in charge" but we shall neither endorse similar fantasies elsewhere. We are aware that we are not manifesting Sahaja through roles or functions but through our behavior. We pray Our Mother to guide us all and bless us with the qualities of non-reactivity, forgiveness and, above all, direct connection at Her Lotus Feet. Thus we shall finally manage to leave it to the All Pervading Power.
The Members of the Central Committee

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Two Trust, Two Pujas 1@ Nargol 1@ Ganpatiphule

Just a post below you would find the intemation by national trust on clarifications on the Christmas Puja venue. Here is another letter received on the same topic.

All i pray mother is, keep us in balance and out of all the matters that divert our attention.

I refuse to put my opinion on any of these matter and posted the earlier one out of inocense just to ensure that people are not misguided but now in a big delima that if i manage to get leaves should i book my tickets for Nargol or Ganpatiphule. Rather now i desire that i should not apply for leave and attend at my local center :-)

If i am not wrong, there are N number of trusts so soon we would find Collective national pujas at N different locations each arranged by a different trust.


Dear Mr Tandon,
( Director of National Trust , New Delhi )

Jai Shri Mataji

This is in response to an email sent with your comments about misleading emails & sms's being forwarded to Sahaja Yogis about a Seminar in December at Ganapatipule.

I wish to  state that the Trustees of the Life Eternal Trust ( Mumbai ) which is incidentally the First Trust established by H.H.Shri Mataji  Herself, in 1972, have sent this email for the Seminar at Ganapatipule in December 2011 , with the sole intention that all the Sahaja Yogis should revive memories of how we spent many many years in the Divine presence of H.H.Shri Mataji at Ganapatipule during Christmas and held Shri Jesus Christ Puja there.

We were planning this Seminar since a long time and used the auspiscious occassion of Ganesh Chaturthi to  announce it.

We intend to make it an annual feature.

We are well within our legal rights to declare such a Seminar and have not prevented any one from attending any other Sahaja Yoga functions or Seminars .
Indeed it is a matter of free will and personal choice as to which venue one wants to attend a puja at.

No one in light of H.H.Shri Mataji's speech at Guru Puja in 2008 has a sole prerogative to hold a puja nor claim to do so.

We shall be happy if you all too at the " National Trust " attend the Seminar and Puja in December which every Sahaja Yogi knows H.H.Shri Mataji had always held at Ganapatipule.

I am sorry that as Director of the " National Trust " you are issuing such  circulars that are not conducive for creating a National spirit of oneness but on the contrary creating rifts and groups.
If it is not at your own volition I regret the thought processes of those who are dictating such circulars .
 Let us not destroy H.H.Shri Mataji's legacy for short term interests.
As you have sent your email to all the Sahaja centres of India, I am forwarding this reply to them also, so that they can decide for themselves and need not follow " fatwas"  of a Church 

With Nirmal love & regards

Parag Raje
The Life Eternal Trust
Regd no: E /4884 ( B ) 1972

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Puja@Ganpatiphule / Moving of maha samadhi

Dear friends

today i received 2 mails, one is the official circular informing that SMS and mails related to christmas puja are misleading messages and the actual puja is at Nargol only. Also received a 2 page scan of Sir CPs desire for moving of maha samadhi to Himalyas

I am not sure which one to trust and what to say. All i know is that divine will work and only those things will happen that the divine wants rest all is Mahamaya and a good sahaji should not get involved into maya else he would not manage to proceed anywhere in the path of his/her spiritual ascent.

------------ letter from trust (pasted as text, without formatting)--------------

12Th September 2011

Jai Shri Mataji


All State Coordinators,

Jt. State Coordinators,

Sister Institutions

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Misleading Messages are being sent by mail and even by SMS, and the same has been shown in the Facebook by some Sahaja Yogis, that Christmas Puja and Seminar is being held at Ganapatiphule in December this year. There is a group who is behind these announcements and Sahaja Yogis are cautioned not to take any notice of this. These messages are likely to increase in the coming weeks.

We wish to inform all our ‘Brothers and Sisters’ that by the Grace of our Divine Mother, CHRISTMAS PUJA -2011 will be held as a 'National Event', at NARGOL from 23 to 26 December 2011 ( Arrival, Registration and Havan 23 Dec, Departure 26 Dec AN). This is the location where our Divine Mother had opened the Sahasrara Chakra of the Universe. Detailed instructions will follow.

Please ensure that this message is sent to all City Centres and Rural Centres in your respective States and that it is repeated every fortnight. You may depute a special team for this purpose so that both the messages reach all Sahaja Yogis.

With warm regards,

------- Letter from Sir CP related to moving of maha samadhi ------------------

Monday, September 12, 2011

Christmas Puja 2011 at Nargol

Reporduction of part of circular received through email. The Christmas puja is scheduled at Nargol.


10Th  September 2011
Jai Shri Mataji

All Trustees,
State Coordinators / Jt. Coordinators and Sister Institutions

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
By the loving Grace of our Divine Mother,  we are happy to announce Christmas Puja -2011 celebrations  from 23 to 26 December 2011 at Nargol, (Gujarat), the Holy Site where our Beloved Mother had opened the universal Sahasrara on 05 May 1970. Let us all come together to enjoy the the Divine Vibrations at Nargol . Please give it the widest possible publicity.

Registration and Havan will be on 23 December and Sahaja Yogis may plan their departure on 26 December AN onwards. Detailed instructions will follow.

With warm regards,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Forms and Diwali puja circular

On Request from various visitors (understanding the vistors search results to visit the blog), I am uploading the circular related to Sahaj yoga 2011 diwali puja and marriages

it includes the marriage form as well.

Please download them from the Link

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Diwali Puja 2011 Venue and Schedule

As received in email (Relevant portion of the circular)




National Diwali Puja and Marriage Celebrations
at Jaipur (Rajasthan) 28th October to 30th October 2011-

Day 1 -    28 October  2011 ( Friday )
Morning Meditation
06:00 AM
08:00 AM       TO     09:30 AM
Announcements of Marriages
09:30 AM       TO     10:30 AM
Morning session
10:30 AM       TO     01:30 PM
Lunch Session
 01:30 AM      TO     02:30  pm
 05:00 PM
Musical evening ,cultural programme and Mehandi
 07:30 PM       TO    10:00PM
 09.30 PM        TO    10:30PM

Day 2 -    29 October  2011 ( Saturday )
Morning Meditation
06:00 AM
Haldi & Breakfast
08:00 AM        TO      10:00 AM
Morning session
10:30 AM        TO      01:30 PM
Lunch Session
 01:30 AM       TO     02:30  pm
Medical Session & Question Answer
 03:30 PM        TO     05:00 PM
Ganesh and Gauri pujan
05:30 PM         TO     06:00 PM
Departure of Barat
06.30 PM          
Swagat of Barat
07.00 PM
07.00 pm
Musical evening & Cultural Program
After Marriages
10.00 PM

Day 3 -    30 October  2011 ( Sunday )
Morning Meditation
06:00 AM
08:00 AM        TO      09:30 AM
Importance of Puja & Puja Protocols
10:00 AM        TO      11:00 PM
Lunch Session
 01:00 AM      TO     02:00  pm
 04:30 PM       
Musical evening & Cultural Program
After puja


a)      Jaipur is well connected through Road, Railway and Air as Jaipur is a Tourist Hub of India and is having International Airport.

b)      Jaipur is only 258 Kms from Delhi, connected through NH-8, and is well connected to other states by various National Highways, Train routes and Air.

c)      Puja site “Bhawani Niketan” is located at Sikar road, Jaipur and is well known place in Jaipur.

d)      Puja site is only 3 Km from Jaipur railway station , only 4 km from Jaipur bus stand an 22Kms from International Airport.

e)       A reception point shall be made at the Jaipur Railway Station/ Bus stand and Airport.

f)       There are many hotels in Jaipur .Yogis wishing to stay in hotels can email their request to diwalipujacelebrations@yahoo.in

       for more details and booking of Hotel accommodation.

g)       Although all arrangements shall be made for bedding etc., it is advisable to bring a bed sheet, shawl and a torch with you.